Why is Monstera Adansonii Growing Smaller Leaves?

Monstera Adansonii Is Growing Smaller Leaves

Among all the Monstera plants, Adansonii is the cheapest one, but somehow I have found it to be my favorite monstera plant. So, I bought a lot of Monstera Adansonii last year. Two of the Monstera Adansonii are growing smaller leaves only. And that makes me truly sad.


I was wondering why my precious babies were growing so slowly and making such small leaves. Eventually, those leaves didn’t have any splits as well. So, I talked to some professionals for suggestions. One of them shared some tricks that really worked.


However, I met one of my friends at the plant market last time, and she told me about the same problem. I shared the tricks with her, and today she called to thank me. So, some of you must face the problem, and I need to share the tricks with you.


Why is Monstera Adansonii Growing Smaller Leaves?

monstera Adansonni 5

Before you learn how to treat your Monstera when growing small leaves, it is essential to learn why it happens. Once you figure out the reasons, it will be easier for you to save your plant anytime. However, check the following reasons to learn about it.


  • Your plant is getting almost no sort of sunlight.
  • You are not watering your plant regularly.
  • The plants are getting enough food.
  • The roots of the plants are not healthy.
  • Your plant is getting more water.
  • The plant is not at the right temperature.
  • Your plant is in shock.
  • You are not pruning your plant timely.


So, if your plant is having problems like that, it can stop growing completely or just stop growing big leaves. Now let’s check out what to do when your Monstera Adansonii is growing small leaves.


Treat Your Monstera Adansoni When It Grows Small Leaves

treat the Plant

Let’s come to the point. I am sure you are here because you face the same problem I once faced. Growing small leaves for Monstera Adansonii is very common; if your plant is growing that, you should follow the tips below.


1. Change the Location of Your Plant

monstera Adansonni 1, Monstera Adansonii Growing Smaller Leaves

Many of you don’t like to report a plant so often. If you are one of them, you should first change the location of the plant. You need to take it to a place where it will get more light if the previous place doesn’t have enough light. And place it on a darker area if the previous place got more light. It may help because Monstera Adansonii can grow smaller leaves because of the wrong light setup.


2. Add Nutrition or Plant Food


You can add some good quality plant food if your Swiss cheese vine is producing smaller leaves. In this case, we prefer store-bought plant food that is rich in nitrogen. You can also add Epsom salt and Bone powder. And if you don’t want to buy such plant food, just add some homemade fertilizers like banana peel water, eggshell powder, or used coffee and tea ground.


3. Repot Your Plant


If the first two methods don’t work, I would like to suggest you repot your plant. That means you have taken it from the pot, loose the soil, and again planted it in the pot. In this case, you need to be careful and gently lose the root of the plant. Make sure not to use a sharp shovel to get the plant out of the ground. You should wear a glove and gently loosen the soil to get the roots in perfect condition.


4. Change the Soil


It will be helpful if you change the soil and use more fertile soil. Sometimes, the soil gets older and fails to keep the plant healthy. You should make a perfect soil mix and use it while repoting the plant. A soil mix of the following elements can be the best for your Monstera Adansonii plant.


  • 30 percent of coco dust,
  • 30 percent of garden soil,
  • 10 percent of river sand,
  • 10 percent of vermicompost, and
  • 10 percent of fertilizers, bone powder, wood dust, and broken brick mix


5. Prune the Plant

Prune the Plant, Monstera Adansonii Growing Smaller Leaves

Monstera Adansonii is a vine-type plant. So, you need to prune the plant often so that it can grow properly. If your plant is growing big and you haven’t pruned it for long, you should try it. Just cut some of the stems on the bottom of the vine. You can use the stems to make new plants.


Also, you need to water the plant regularly but make sure not to overwater it. Additionally, you have to ensure a better temperature for the plant when your Monstera Adansonii is growing smaller leaves. It should be from 70 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit.


Goodbye Words


Before I take my leave from this little discussion on why Monstera Adansonii is growing smaller leaves, I want to let you know one thing again. All I have shared today is from my own experience. As I don’t know exactly what is happening to your beloved plant, I cannot ensure that all these tricks will go well for it. But as much as I know, none of them has side effects unless you do it wrongly. Eventually, the images I have added are all taken by me from my lovely plants.


Anyway, take love from me, a new gardener who always wants to learn about indoor plants and share experiences wholeheartedly. Thank you for your time. Please support us and share this content with your friends who are facing the same problem.

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About Author


Hello, I’m Khandaker Mursalin, a writer and researcher in the field of English Literature and blog writing. In 2014, I met my wife for the first time in my class. We found out that we two have a great passion for plants and gardening. Our hopes, aims, and interests were quite similar. So, we decided to marry. Finally, we married in 2015. Back then we were younger and had no money to make a huge garden as both were students.

But our passion for plants never decreased. We believed that making a garden at home requires your passion rather than money. So, we kept collecting plants by any means. And now, we have a huge balcony garden with more than a few hundred specifies. Most of them are indoor plants and good for balconies. So, we decided to help and encourage people to keep plants in their homes. And Gardenmysteries is a part of our work.

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