Jasmine or Honeysuckle – Read to Decide Last summer, I wanted to get a new fragrant flower plant for my garden but when I was in the nursery, I couldn’t decide between jasmine and honeysuckle. …
Fertilize as Fertilizer-Pro: Sweet Corn Fertilization Schedule
Sweet Corn Fertilization Timing That Offers a Bigger Crop Yield I remember my first attempt at growing corn. I had no idea about the corn fertilization schedule. The timing of those fertilizers makes all the …
How Often to Fertilize Sweet Corn in Garden?
Corn Care 101: How Often to Fertilize Sweet Corn I used to wonder how often I should fertilize my corn when I started at first, but then I learned the rule of thumb. You need …
Project: One Room, Many Plants
One Room, Many Plants is a movement that invites everyone to embrace an eco-friendly lifestyle, even without a garden. We believe that anyone can make a difference, no matter how small their space is. You …
STA Green VS Miracle Gro Potting Mix: Which Soil to Buy?
When comparing Sta-Green vs Miracle-Gro, both offer excellent benefits for gardeners, but their differences can help you decide which is right for your needs. Sta-Green excels in water retention and affordability. So, it is perfect …
Eskimo Sunset Maple Problems
Last year, I bought an Eskimo Sunset Maple for my garden. Little did I know that I was going to face a multitude of issues with it too. Leaf Scorch, curly and yellow leaves, pests, …
Poked by Sago Palm: What Should I Do Now?
Hey there, fellow gardening enthusiasts. I’m here to share a little mishap I recently had with one of my beloved sago palms. Yep, you guessed it right, I got poked by Sago Palm. I immediately …
Okra Sap Balls: Is It Good or Bad?
Hey there, gardening enthusiasts. You might be wondering, what exactly are these okra sap balls, and are these good or bad for your okra plant? The answer is yes, these are actually really good signs …
Black Kow Disadvantages: Things You Should Learn
Last week my neighbor started using Black Kow as a fertilizer for her plants. So before that, she asked me, Are there any Black Kow disadvantages? I didn’t know myself then. When I searched for …
Why Does My Catnip Growing Purple Leaves?
I was very happy with the fresh green leaves of my catnip until I saw my catnip growing purple leaves. I didn’t know whether it’s a problem or it’s natural. So, I asked an expert …
Black Eggs on Tomato Leaves: Easy Trick to Repel
My cousin harvested tomatoes in her backyard a few days back. Yesterday she told me that she saw black eggs on tomato leaves. Then, I discussed it with a professional and he told me about …
Moonflower Bud Stages: Things You Need to Know
When I saw the bud in my moonflower plant, I was curious to learn about the moonflower bud stages. It goes through five stages within 3 to 4 months and each stage marks a significant …
Can Maple Grow in Tropical Climate: Learn the Facts
Last year my friend moved to a tropical climate area. She wanted to have healthy growth for her maple trees there as before. But she was confused and asked me, can maple grow in tropical …
Why Are My Rose Cuttings Only Growing Leaves But Not Roots?
Once I tried to propagate rose from cuttings and I saw my rose cuttings growing leaves but not roots. So I asked my friend and she said it’s not uncommon. Some of the issues involve …
Growing Cherub Tomato Seeds: Things You Need to Know
Did you ever try growing cherub tomato seeds? If yes, what are the issues you face while growing the cherub tomato seeds? Certainly, I have faced a lot of issues and thought, it’s essential to …